This is the season when you want to make every calorie count!
In a time when there are holiday desserts tempting you are nearly every corner, Christmas is a time when you want to make sure that you get the most value out of the healthy items that you eat so that you have more room for the sweet treats that you most want to enjoy.
Finding the right kinds of high protein snack can help you achieve this goal. Knowing that the small snacks that you eat during the day give you the protein and other nutrients that you need so that you can fill your other calories with your favorite holiday desserts and other sweet items. And while some people are filling themselves with dark chocolate candies and other Christmas recipes, many people also find that various types of nuts are a great contrast to the sweetest of morsels. Cashew nut benefits, for instance, can provide energy when they are eaten as a snack first thing in the morning, or as a great way to have a salty snack to accompany the sweets that you find on the dessert table at many family gatherings.
Whether you are considering cashew nut benefits or macadamia nuts, or black walnuts, all of these snacks pack a powerful amount of protein. From eating peanuts after school to spending time investigating white chia seeds benefits, making sure that you and your children get enough protein, to packing extra nuts and other healthy snacks for a long family hike, it is important to make sure that you get all of the important nutrients that you need.
Consider some of these other facts and figures about the value of the various kinds of nuts that are so nutritional:
- A single serving of raw peanuts contains 2.4 grams of fiber and 7.3 grams of protein. Cashew nut benefits are also substantial.
- It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter, according to National Peanut Board reports.
- 38% of all walnuts are grown in the U.S., according to the latest trade statistics.
- 90% of U.S. households consume peanut butter.
- U.S. peanut farmers exported more than 350,000 metric tons of peanuts in the year 2013, according to data from the USDA.
- Two servings of nuts per day is helpful in fighting against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, according to Harvard research.
This is the season when you will be tempted by many family holiday traditions. In preparation, it is important to make sure that you are finding some healthy snacks in addition to all of the sugary and sweet things that you will be eating.