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Why Happy Hour Can Be Beneficial

A happy hour is where colleagues all get together and enjoy a drink and some food. It is a great way to promote bonding amongst coworkers and to ease the tension and stress of a long day. Plus, a nice cold rink can be just what a lot of people need.

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In this video, you will learn more about the benefits of happy hour.

For one, happy hour gives employees a time to look forward to. This can increase employee morale. Plus, it allows colleagues to chat outside of work time and potentially develop long-lasting friendships. Colleagues may even develop friendships that last longer than the job itself. While talking colleagues may also spur creativity and problem-solving which could solve company problems. Though, this should happen naturally rather than being encouraged. On the personal side of things, you will have ample time to network and truly get to know your colleagues. The relaxed and happy atmosphere of of a happy hour make it the perfect time to talk to people in your company that you do not know very well. Plus, you can enjoy some great drinks and food at the same time. It is amazing what food and drink can do for your business.


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