In any given two-week period, an average American may consume ice cream. In fact, 40% will – and they’ll enjoy every last bite. When you go to your favorite ice cream parlor or a local stand and you order that cone of mint chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookie dough, you probably can’t wait to get your hands on the delicious treat you loved throughout your entire childhood. But as you walk across the parlor to find your seat and your hand holds the paper ice cream cup, you probably don’t think about the process it took to bring you that delight. And how, without ice cream cups and other ice cream supplies, ice cream shops wouldn’t be up and running like we are today. Because we want you to relive those childhood moments you love most, we bring supplies to a variety of stores across the country.
Ice Cream Stores Across the Country
Ice cream is a popular delight. Go to any grocery store, any shopping mall, any retail outlets, and any strip on the highway and you’ll probably find a place where you can indulge in some ice cream. In fact, by the end of 2013 and due to their growth in popularity, 2,582 frozen yogurt stores were open in the U.S. That means, wherever you live, you can’t miss one! 90% of households also tend to indulge in these delicious treats that bring joy to the faces of adults and young children alike. Because we live in a nation that tends to love ice cream more than any other food itself, our products play a lasting role in the lives of many businesses and bring you the product you crave.
With over 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream and other desserts being produced every year in the U.S., there is a need for every paper ice cream cup produced on the markets today. Paper ice cream cups take you right back to that time you sat in the ice cream parlor with your mother or father, enjoying a vanilla cone with sprinkles and looking around the room to see what everyone else was enjoying.
For every business that keeps you enjoying this delicious treat from your fondest memories, we will play a role in keeping businesses booming and customers happy.