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Giving Summer A Fighting Chance Creating A Custom Smoker For Your Backyard

Summer may be down, but it’s not out. How are you going to enjoy the last vestiges of warm weather?

When you’re weary of the same hot dogs and hamburgers, creating your own custom stand up smoker is a classy way of creating an event to remember. Whether it’s for BBQ competitions in your neighborhood or a way to properly celebrate a long-awaited family gathering, custom charcoal grills add a certain flavor and zest that can’t be easily duplicated. Building custom products is a lot more rewarding than simply buying the latest one-size-fits-all at the store. Even better, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to brush up your cooking skills with a simple switch.

Low and slow wins the day. Let’s see what custom smokers for sale can offer your backyard.

The Popularity Of Smokers And Pits

The great American pasttime isn’t just baseball and visiting the nearest bar, but grilling in the backyard for a group of friends. It’s a great way to get back in touch with those you care about and celebrate the holidays in style. A recent study found 70% of consumers will regularly grill on the fourth of July, with another 60% grilling on Memorial Day. In a short, now’s still a great time to get acquainted with your stand up smoker. Build off your existing knowledge and create a custom model that really lets your talents shine.

Crafting A Stand Up Smoker

What separates one smoker from another? It all depends on what you want to do with it. While some are perfectly content to use their charcoal basket for the occasional weekend excursion, others might want their stand up smoker to give them an extra layer of flavor. The Hearth, Patio And Barbecue Association (or HPBA) recently revealed seven out of 10 American adults own a grill or a smoker. Your custom model should fit snugly into your backyard while being far away enough from a nearby pool or garden enclosure to remain safe.

Delicious Recipe Ideas For Your Next Gathering

With a better barbecue pit you can finally expand your meal size or try new recipes you could only touch on before. The four styles of BBQ in the United States are Kansas City, Carolina, Memphis and Texas. Some put more emphasis on juicy sauces, while others favor a crisp outside and tender inside. A good smoker shouldn’t just cook the meat, but make it sing, bringing out its flavor without drying it out. Barbecue sauce is recommended to be applied in thin layers throughout the last 30 minutes of cooking ribs to give it a nice, even coating.

Safety Tips When Grilling Meat

Delicious food is important, but safety is more so. There’s no shame in double-checking your chicken or beef to make sure it’s safe enough for consumption. Before grilling make sure all meat, poultry and seafood is kept below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in an insulated cooler. Whole cuts of pork, beef, lamb and veal need to reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit to be considered fully cooked. Keep a thermometer on hand at all times and make sure not to cross-contaminate as you check each delicious future meal.

Choosing The Right Custom BBQ Smokers

A good grill or stand up smoker needs to compliment your backyard. That means choosing the right size and amenities. Some homeowners might prefer a smaller version they can easily carry back and forth between traveling expeditions. Others might want the largest one possible to feed three families. Charcoal briquettes are much beloved in the world of barbecue for adding a subtle hint of flavor to the meat, utterly delicious on a hot afternoon or autumn evening.

Your next great barbecue platters are ready and waiting. All you have to do is find the right stand up smoker.

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