How many cattle and calf operations do you think are located in the United States? According to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, there are approximately 913,246. While about 91% of the beef farms and ranches are family-owned operations, 11% of the ranches are operated by women. Many of these operations are concerned about sustainability. In addition to raising grass-fed livestock, they refrain from giving their cattle antibiotics and engage in a variety of other practices that support sustainability in this industry.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development released data from 2014 regarding American meat consumption. They found that the average meat-eating American consumed about 198 pounds of meat that year. Given that high-quality animal protein contains all eight essential amino acids, this is not surprising to learn. In case you’re wondering, amino acids are necessary for the body’s growth and maintenance.
Grass-fed beef contains higher protein and lower fat levels than its counterpart. Lean, cooked beef, for example, has a protein content that ranges from 26% to 27%, which is considered to be a substantial amount. This quality beef also needs 30% less time to cook, and it will continue cooking after being removed from the heat.
If you’re also searching for a few cooking tips, find your meat thermometer. A medium-rare steak is mostly pink with a small bit of red at its center. When you place your meat thermometer into the steak, the interior temperature should be between 130 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Are you looking for meat markets or butchers in your area that provide sustainable beef? You may also be interested to learn that you can purchase meat bundles and bulk meat packages online. This method of grocery shopping has already increased in frequency due to its convenience. Furthermore, shoppers have even more access to certain items that aren’t available at their local market. It’s not surprising then, that Nielsen’s “The Digitally Engaged Food Shopper” report found that over 70% of households in the United States will shop for food online over the next ten years. This includes grass-fed beef, of course.