Stingers. They are a part of many different animals, as some animals have stingers for protection and attacking. These stingers hurt, when applied to human beings, and they can be fatal if the stinger has some kind of poison. They are also part of an animal that produces some of the sweetest material on earth: the bee.
The bee is a creature that has been part of nature for a long time. It is a pollen carrier, in that it takes pollen from flowers and plants and moves to another plant and puts pollen there. Bees keep the flowers and plants alive and blooming, as they are able to transfer this life force to other plants.
The bee is a creature that makes a distinct sound when it flies. This is called “the buzz.” The buzz is a type of rattling, where the bee shakes its body as it flies, which creates a certain vibration that is able to be heard by people and animals alike. The buzz is important for a bee’s survival, as this is how it announces its presences.
And scare people.
There are some people that are allergic to bees. When the stinger hits them, they respond in a way that is sudden. This can include rashes and a fever, with the poison spreading through their veins. This is a very difficult experience for them. This makes them likely to not go around bees again for be very careful.
While bees can produce fear because of their stingers and their buzzing sound, they also produce some of the sweetest material in the food world: honey. Honey is a sweet liquid, often put in coffee or added to bread. It can also be smeared on something to add a little bit of flavor. Honey comes from the honey bee and some say they are going extinct.
There are some statistics about honey that are worth noting. They are:
- To make one pound of honey, a honey bee would have to fly about 90,000 miles.
- A honey bee will produce one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
- Bees are pollinators, and are responsible for cross-pollination, which helps crops and wild plants thrive.
- Bees pollinate more than $15 million a year in crops in the United States.
- In 2014, there were an estimated 2.7 million honeybee colonies in the United States.
- As of 2014, the number of colonies managed by human beekeepers was at the highest it has been in 20 years.
- Bee pollen is about 40% protein and is rich in amino acids.
- Since 2006, the retail price of honey has almost doubled.
- In 2013, North Dakota lead the way in honey production with 33 million pounds of honey.
- Americans consume about 1.3 pounds of honey per person per year.
Honey is an important part of the American lifestyle. Honey is often added to different types of dishes as a sweetener, such as in tea or coffee. Honey is also added to breads, during the baking process, and on slices after the bread has been baked. It is used for medicinal purposes, with many people recommending honey for different ills.
There are kinds of bees that produce honey but generally they are all called the same thing, which is the honeybee. The honey bee is native to America, unlike some of the bees that have been brought here. The Midwest has some of the biggest producers of honey, including the state of North Dakota.
There are some terms associated with this. They are organic bee pollen, organic bee pollen benefits, organic bee pollen capsules, organic bee pollen powder, organic beeswax, organic honey, organic royal jelly, pure organic royal jelly, pure royal jelly, raw honey, raw organic honey, royal jelly capsules, used beekeeping supplies, and more.
There are honey lovers in the United States. It is possible for honey lovers and people who just enjoy honey to buy bulk honey for sale. Bulk honey for sale might be sold at a local honey farm, where there are many bees. Bulk honey for sale might be sold in other locations. It is possible to buy bulk honey for sale.
There are many things that are important about honey. They include different things that involve the honey bee, the states that produce honey, the falling honey supply, the introduction of new bees, and more.