Without a doubt, ice cream is America’s favorite frozen treat. Enjoyed by the gallon during summer months, ice cream is readily available year-round in too many flavors and styles to count. We have buildings and vehicles solely devoted to the creamy treat! Millions of Americans from ice cream mixers to frozen yogurt cups wholesale employees are hired every year thanks to the frozen desert industry. Here are six facts about America’s favorite dairy desert!
1. In any two week period, nearly 40% of Americans will have ice cream at some point. Ice cream is often eaten at social events including birthdays, graduations, holidays, and parties. Many people get a variety of ice cream cups to ensure that everyone has the flavor they want.
2. Given the population of the United States and the popularity of ice cream, some may not be surprised to hear that the average American will consume ice cream 28.5 times this year. That is more than popsicles, gelato, or frozen yogurt by comparison.
3. At the end of 2013 there were approximately 2,582 yogurt stores in the United States. That is around 51 ice cream stores per state, although I’m sure Alaska has fewer than California. Still, all of those stores have to keep frozen yogurt cups wholesale sellers busy.
4. Surveys have found that 90% of households regularly stock gelato, popsicles, drink cups, or plastic ice cream cups to keep cool year-round. Surprisingly the state where ice cream is most popular is actually the District of Columbia.
5. Every year in the U.S. there are approximately 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream and other frozen confections produced. That is enough ice cream to fill 2,271 Olympic-sized swimming pools, meaning that there is no longer an excuse not to fill a pool with ice cream.
6. The most popular flavor of ice cream according to a recent survey by the International Ice Cream Association member companies revealed that a 28% majority of consumers prefer vanilla. The delicious bean’s versatility make it ideal for adding ingredients.
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