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Organic Microgreens Are An Easy And Healthy Addition To Your Diet

What Are Organic Micro Greens?

Microgreens have been around for years, and are vegetables between the sprout and baby green stages, that only reach around 1 to 3 inches in height. Much lauded for their flavor and nutrients, they can come in many varieties.

Microgreens differ from sprouts, in that they have developed leaves, and sprouts do not. They also differ from baby greens due to the fact that they are smaller, and are usually sold in containers without prior harvesting. This allows plants to be harvested fresh at your home, which helps keep their nutrient count as high as possible. Additionally, they are very easy to grow, and can even thrive on windowsills if you don’t have a designated green space.

Organic Micro Greens Are Packed With Nutrients

Organic micro greens are not only loved for their flavors, but also because they are packed with nutrients. While it varies between varieties, they tend to be high in iron, magnesium, potassium, and copper contents. Additionally, they serve as a good source for antioxidants.

Another good part about their nutrient levels is that they’re very concentrated. This means they often contain higher amounts than their mature counterparts, up to 9 times as much in some cases, though this is dependent on the exact type of microgreen.

The Health Benefits of Organic Micro Greens

Eating vegetables, of any variety, is always beneficial; however, thanks to the high concentrations of vitamins in microgreens, they can help mitigate the risk for a number of diseases.

  • Heart Disease. Because organic microgreens serve as a good source of polyphenols, antioxidants that can lower the risk of developing heart disease, they can help balance your risk factors by lowering triglyceride and bad cholesterol.
  • Alzheimer’s. Polyphenols, along with other antioxidants have been linked to a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease. By adding microgreens to your diet, you can help lower your risk of developing this debilitating disease.
  • Diabetes. Antioxidants can also aid in lowering the stress that prevents sugar from being able to enter cells properly. This in turn helps stave off diabetes, and lower your risk of developing it.

On a side note, while eating microgreens, as with any nutritious food, you can improve your overall well being and start to live a healthier life, it is not a replacement for medical intervention. While it can lower your risks, always talk with your doctor or nutritionist about a diet plan that works best for you.

How To Grow Your Own Organic Micro Greens

Microgreens are easy to grow in a multitude of environments, and don’t require an inordinate amount of time to cultivate. A few things you’ll need to get started are:

  • Quality organic microgreen seeds.
  • A medium sized grow bed with potting soil, or a mat designed specially for microgreen cultivation.
  • A source of UV light, either sun or artificial, for 12 to 16 hours every day.

To care for your newly planted microgreens you can do the following:

  • Sprinkle in seeds after lightly packing and watering the soil. Trying to sprinkle them as evenly as possible across the surface.
  • Mist the seeds with a plant sprayer, and cover it with a plastic lid. You can mist your microgreens daily to ensure the seeds stay moist.
  • When the plants have germinated you can remove the plastic cover and begin exposing them to regular light.
  • Continue watering your microgreens daily and harvest after 7 to 10 days.

Organic micro greens are a great addition to your diet, and can not only benefit you healthwise, but they can add an extra burst of aromatic flavor to many dishes. Additionally, since they are so easy to grow on your own, it can be a worthwhile investment, and something you can take joy and pride in doing for yourself.

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