Healthy cereal is a growing part of the organic food industry, which has seen jobs increase at about four times the U.S. average. The industry, which generated more than 500,000 jobs in 2010 alone in the U.S., includes farmers and workers who pull crops and who get foods to market. Many reasons exists for this, including the growing need that consumers have for foods like gluten free cereal, like high fiber cereal, and like whole grain cereal without the junk in it.
Whole grain cereal is not always organic cereal, but the reverse typically applies. So in many situations whole grain cereal is organic and is made using buckwheat flour, which helps with the texture of gluten free foods and which helps to improve its nutritional level too. And since organic vegetables, fruits, cereals and other foods are known to harbor significantly less pesticides and no artificial ingredients, consumers are beginning to clamor for more of these foods for themselves and for their growing children.
This industry shift to more high fiber foods and more organic options like whole grain cereal is leading to booming business for the country’s farms. And this success is not simply because the need is there either. Organic farms usually have higher yields or at least more comparable ones to conventional yields in the long run, which is making them a very strong candidate for more people since they hold up against drought and bad weather conditions just as well as traditional foods.