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How Office Coffee Cups Can Improve the Workplace

One of the most popular drinks in the United States, and also around the globe, is coffee. People love to drink coffee and coffee lovers are absolutely enthusiastic about this drink. As a matter of fact, there are benefits for a business to implement a workplace office coffee maker and office coffee supplies like stir straws and office coffee cups.

Desktime is a tracking application that works to study employees and their levels of productivity within the workplace. This has revealed that most employees are productive when they work for 52 minutes and then take a break for 17 minutes. So there are small techniques such as implementing office coffee systems that can seriously help workers focus on their job.

There are a lot of people that drink coffee every single day and more specifically, every single morning. According to the National Coffee Drinking Trends report from 2017, just about 62% of all respondents stated that they had consumed coffee the previous day. So this just goes to show how popular this type of drink is.

Here are all of the facts on how office coffee cups and office coffee machines can improve the workplace.

A Lot of Adults Drink Coffee

According to recent statistics, the average coffee drinker in the United States will consume nearly 3 cups of coffee per day. So this just goes to say that you should have a high number of office coffee cups when you look to supply your employees with coffee. This will help them consume the proper amount of coffee every single day.

A lot of people drink coffee, that is just as a fact. A recent survey was conducted amongst adults over the age of 18 in the United States and whether or not they drink coffee. Just about 54% of all of these people drink coffee every single day.

Office Coffee Can Provide Great Health Benefits

The recommended consumption of fiber is 20-38 grams and one cup of coffee can make up just about 1.8 grams of fiber. So this is another benefit of providing employees with office coffee cups. This can help them stay active and healthy in the workplace.

A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who drink four or more cups of coffee per day were 20% less likely to suffer from depression. So here is another health benefit of providing a workplace with office coffee cups. Furthermore, understand moderate consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 26%.

Office Coffee Cups Can Boost Productivity

The Food and Drug Administration, the caffeine in coffee is absorbed and circulated within 30 minutes to an hour. This effect can end up lasting for nearly six hours. The coffee consumption can help improve the energy levels in your brain. As a result, you will benefit from an enhanced sense of concentration, memory retention, and can lead to better cognitive performance.

Studies show that 200 mg of caffeine can help you identify words and phrases faster than you could do without coffee. Plus, 46% of U.S. workers say coffee helps them stay productive at work. So there are plenty of great reasons for someone to provide employees with office coffee cups.

In Conclusion

Workers that drink coffee are bound to be much more productive if they consume caffeine and coffee. So there are plenty of wondrous reasons for a business owner to implement a coffee machine and office coffee cups in their workplace. It is not only going to improve their productivity but it will also improve the morale. These sorts of smaller details will help employees feel valued and important.

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