The current cultural trend is leaning towards food more and more. It does not matter the type of food, the culture behind it, whether it is organic, free range or just plain old barbecue with no concern for where the meat came from, food is becoming one of the most important things in society. And there is nothing wrong with that. Honestly, America is one of the very last nations to lean this way. Virtually every other country has a healthy fascination and respect for their food, and has had it for some time.
The problem here in the States is that we had lost sight of quality long ago. It was all about convenience and speed, nothing more. Fast food and tv dinners were supported and praised when we really should have been focused on slow food movements, pure ingredients and sharing the experience of amazingly delicious foods with those we love. If that life sounds ideal, chances are you are a part of this movement for better foods. And, as a part, you cannot get enough when it comes to cooking and eating in any form.
I have read cookbooks cover to cover like the latest thriller. I hungrily consume virtually every cooking show that I can get my eyes on. But there is one media outlet that I think is vastly underutilized when it comes to the food world. That is food radio.
They are out there, but few and far between. But if you can find some food talk radio, something like the Raw Food Talk Show or the BentoBento ShowShow or the Spun Sugar Diaries, you will love listening to the radio every day. Okay, so I just made up those food talk shows, but I would listen to every single one, and you should too. Better yet, you should listen to some actual food talk shows.
Some of my personal favorites, all of which you can get in podcast form, which I highly recommend, are as follows in no particular order. The Alton Browncast, Americas Test Kitchen, Spilled Milk, KCRW Good Food, the Splendid Table and the BBC Food Programme.
By getting these as podcasts, you can download them and listen to them literally anywhere. The gym, walking the dog, cleaning the house, at work, on the commute. Wherever you can plug your phone into headphones or speakers, you are golden. So stop wasting that valuable time when you could be listening to food shows. Subscribe to them all, plus more, and you will never be hungry for food talk again.