Do you like to cook? Are you interested in trying not just new recipes, but mixing your own creations? You may wish to listen to a food talk radio show to get a better idea of cooking. A food talk show can not only give you ideas on how to cook, but also insights into the lives of great chefs and cooks, how food is produced, and call in with your own ideas.
I was skeptical when I first heard food talk on the radio. The way I saw it, food engages your sense of smell, sight, and taste, and none of those three were present on the radio. I thought the best I could hear was the sizzle of a frying pan, or the pop a toaster made, or other empty sounds which, like all sounds, are ephemeral. Surely, food talk is not meant for radio.
Then I heard the end of one food show on public radio, and heard it was funded by the government of Italy. The Italian government is very protective of geographic labels on its food, insisting that, say, Parmesan cheese can only come from Parma, or Tuscan bread only from Tuscany. The Italians must know good food talk when they hear it, right?
Upon my second listen, I became hooked. They did talk about cooking, yes, but they also talked about what into food. They talked about the lives of great chefs, or the story of food writing, or the production of ingredients like wine and cheese. They even had raw food talk for those who went on a raw food diet. The medium may have engaged only one sense, but they did an expert job engaging the other four.
Food talk is not just limited to public radio. Many radio networks have food stars, and each of them know how to speak. So if you need cooking advice, and want to listen to further food talk, just tune in, and salivate.