Good business is built from good service, and good service goes hand in hand with good food. But you can’t be producing good food in the kitchen if you’re working with outdated, unclean or broken equipment. One of the best ways to ensure your operation is working up to its full potential is to get it inspected regularly. But in the meantime, there are a few things you can do on your own to ensure a functioning commercial kitchen. Here are five commercial kitchen maintenance tips to keep in mind for running a successful restaurant.
Fixing up the fryers
You can’t run a restaurant without at least one fryer, and you simply can’t expect it to function properly if it’s not cleaned early and often. Regular cleanings help avoid grease buildups that can inhibit the machine’s capabilities as well as potentially violate health codes. Shut off the system, let it cool, then get in there and start scraping. This is one of the most basic commercial kitchen maintenance procedures you can perform.
Monitoring the freezers
At home, you tend to package up leftovers and stick them in the freezer to be enjoyed later. In a commercial kitchen, though, it’s a big deal to ensure that this is done correctly because of how valuable those leftovers really are to your business. Always keep an eye on the temperature gauges of your commercial refrigeration equipment to ensure you’re not spoiling any of the food inside. Don’t hesitate to toss away the old stuff, too.
Leaving ventilation to the pros
Here’s one of the most valuable pieces of advice you could ever get in terms of commercial kitchen repair and maintenance: Never let a year go by without having your ventilation hoods examined. It’s easy to say, “Well, I can’t see anything wrong, so that must mean everything is OK!” But when it comes to your ventilation system — a tremendous part of what makes your business able to operate — you should have it inspected at least twice a year by a professional service.
Calibrating your burners
Any equipment that’s used to cook food (that goes for mobile catering equipment repair, too) should be monitored very closely to ensure it’s working up to capacity. There’s nothing worse for business than under-cooked food, both for the safety concerns of your patrons and simply the bad reputation that could entail. Calibrate and clean your burners often to ensure they’re operating at the appropriate levels.
Watching the dishwasher
Commercial kitchen maintenance can’t be discussed without also looking into any commercial dishwasher repairs that might also have to be made. Try to descale your booster heaters whenever you can, and check the temperature of the machine when it’s running. Certain health regulations stipulate what temperatures it must operate at in order to fully clean the dishes, so keep an eye on your meter. Read more: www.ccscatercareltd.com