Health. It’s an important aspect of every person’s life. There are many jokes about bad health and bad eating habits, from Jim Gaffigan’s stand-up routine to various movies that joke about what happens when someone has bad health. A health scare can ruin a person’s financial standing and a health problem can devastate it.
There are two main components to physical health. The first is exercise and the second is diet. This article will explain the two in some detail so that a person reading has a better understanding when it comes to putting into place an effective exercise and diet routine.
Exercise is generally broken up into two categories: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise means movement. It is the kind of exercise that gets a heart pumping, sweating pouring down, and lungs moving because of exertion. Anaerobic exercise involves resistance. It is higher impact on muscles and causes muscles to grow if the diet is effective.
Aerobic exercise is often termed as “cardiovascular exercise” or cardio for short. Cardiovascular exercise involves the use of movement to increase the rate of the heart, the expansion of the lungs, which causes sweat. Some examples of cardiovascular exercise include running, jogging, biking, cycling, the elliptical, hiking and more.
The goal, many say, with cardiovascular exercise is to hit the target heart rate. Generally, the target heart rate is a high percentage of someone’s maximum heart rate, which is taken from a person’s age and how in shape they are. A target heart rate may be 75% to 85% of a person’s maximum heart rate.
Cardiovascular exercise can have many health benefits. A person’s heart and lungs will improve in effectiveness. A person’s blood sugar will become more regulated. A person’s blood pressure will go down. A person may lose weight (depending on the diet, which will be talked out later).
Anaerobic exercise involve the use of quick movements against resistance to break down muscles so that they can be rebuilt later. Anaerobic exercise is often called resistance exercise, as mentioned in the definition above. Some examples of resistance exercise include weight lifting, using resistance bands, lifting objects, and martial arts.
Anaerobic exercise doesn’t get the heart rate high enough or sustain in long enough to be considered aerobic exercise, but it can burn as many calories. This can be seen in boxing workouts, where a person might have brief bursts of high heart rate level and burn a lot of calories but they don’t sustain that heart rate level for the length of time required.
Each exercise has its benefit when its comes to health. Cardiovascular activity involves the burning of calories and improvement in the cardiovascular system and other components. Resistance activity involves the breaking down and later building up of muscles, making a person stronger.
Then there is the diet. A diet is composed of many parts but the essential definition is that the diet amounts to the food and drink that someone puts in their body over the course of the day. These food products or drink products can have positive or negative effects on a person’s body.
When it comes to a diet, there are nutrients. Nutrients are substances that are involved in the processes of a person’s system. There are macro-nutrients, which are called protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These are the three major categories of nutrients that go into a person’s body. There are also micro-nutrients.
One of the most important parts of a person’s diet is getting enough protein. Protein is the building block of muscles. Without it, a person’s muscles wither over time. A resistance training regime is almost useless without protein. A person can’t build their muscles back up when they’re broken down.
One of the more popular ways of getting protein is through the nut. There are some statistics worth noting:
- A whole 90% of U.S. households consume peanut butter.
- One ounce of macadamia nuts contains about 2 grams of fiber.
- A one-ounce serving of raw peanuts contains 7 grams of protein.
The cashew is popular as well. Cashew nut benefits include a good amount of protein. Cashew nut benefits include a good amount of fiber. There are many cashew nut benefits. Cashew nut benefits have a good amount of healthy fats as well.
Pure peanut oil, refined peanut oil, and pecan family are terms to know.