Foodies, people who are passionate about all things food, love listening to a daily two hour program called Food Talk. The Food Talk radio show is the place to turn to when it comes to finding out about all things food related. Whether it is discovering a new chef or local restaurant, getting a review on a new cookbook, or discussing new techniques to use in the kitchen, the Food Talk show is the place for this information.
The Food Talk radio show is a daily show that is broadcast on local radio stations and online radio outlets. Each radio show revolves around a different topic. Mondays are often devoted to learning about new cookbooks and exploring the recipes inside, while Tuesdays may be dedicated to exploring new restaurants across the United States.
Raw foodies or people who enjoy cooking with fresh, organic ingredients often love to turn into Food Talk. Many times Food Talk will devote a whole show to raw food talk. These shows revolve around helping people learn how to cook with fresh, organic ingredients, discover local restaurants that focus on this concept, and even offer tips on how to cook with these ingredients.
Listening to a Food Talk radio show is something that anyone interested in the food industry can do. Chefs from all over the world listen to this type of talk show, as it offers them an opportunity to learn about what is popular in the food industry. Trendsetters enjoy listening to Food Talk because it offers them an opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest restaurants in the country.
Food talk is on weekdays. If you miss a segment or are unable to tune into the live broadcast, there are various saved podcasts all over the Internet that you can download. There is no reason that a foodie should miss an episode of Food Talk.